Follow the tutorial found in [PXE Boot Server](/networking/PXE Boot Server) to begin.
To allow Memtest to boot from the PXEBoot menu, follow the following steps.
- Download memtest from . Make sure you download the Pre-Built Binary zip/gz file. This has the image we require.
- Open a terminal and change directory to /tftpboot (or whichever directory you specified in the [PXE Boot Server](/networking/PXE Boot Server) tutorial.
- Make a new directory called 'memtest'
- cd into this directory.
- The zip you downloaded will contain one file, a .bin file. Copy this bin file into the /tftpboot/memtest directory and rename it to 'memtest'. You MUST REMOVE the .bin extension or it WILL NOT BOOT!
- Edit /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default and add the following lines before 'MENU end'
<!-- -->
LABEL Memtest
kernel memtest/memtest
Save the file, and start your testing method of choice. You should see an additional option entitled 'Memtest'. Select this and you should be booting into memtest. Congratulations!